Sunday 26 November 2017

The Hepworth Christmas Market

Following on from my interest to start my own business, keeping up to date with craft fairs is an important part of my progression and understanding in this area. The Hepworth Wakefield Christmas Fair is an event that I found out about through their Twitter and Facebook page. This has also shown me the importance of engaging with creatives on social media to keep up to date with events. 

Attending the market has been an essential in my progression as a creative. I have been able to engage with a number of different creatives such as Sarah Empson from Geo Heaven and Michael Lewis from The Archipelago. Through a conversation with Michael I was able to further express my interest in the studio and in response he was positive in me in visiting the studio in the new year. This is a connection I hope to follow up with in the future. Approaching a person who's practice I admire has been something that I have been anxious about and in the past been reserved to do. From this positive experience of introducing myself to Michael and his partner, I have more confidence in myself. This is something that reflects into my practice. 

Exploring the various independent stalls at the market has inspired me to continue to consider this direction for my future. One way in which this could start now is by printing the designs that are part of the 100 Day Challenge and gaining further exposure by selling the prints. Digitally printing and traditionally printing the image based designs will also improve my print based experiences. 

Sunday 12 November 2017

You've Got Real Mail - Response

Having replied to this message, no further communications were had with David. His lack of reply could have been due to the busy schedule that he had due to the next issue of the magazine being soon to be released. Unfortunately, it is also the fault of my own for not remaining active in this communication and persisting further. This is due to other priorities taking away from attention of my professional practice. In the future this is something that I will not let happen. To ensure this, reminders will be set to ensure follow ups are made.

Monday 6 November 2017

Writing About Work

Writing about my own work whether that be on Behance or on Blogger, is a task that I struggle with. This workshop has given me a key structure to follow to ensure that that work is effectively communicated on a range of different platforms.

In order to write effectively about your work, you need to be able to understand it's meaning.

What is it responding to, trying to solve, improving or communicating?

What is the core idea?
How does it work?
Why does it work?
These are three questions to answer when writing about work. 

Example: The core idea is to provide information to carers of those with psychosis/schizophrenia in an engaging accessible way. It works by being accessible via post which means the information can be accessed in a safe and comfortable environment. The content includes line drawings to illustrate some of the key information making the information engaging. The pack also includes a planner which allows the carer to have a space to note their own activities and therefore improve their self care.  

W: A series of visually driven, informative guides for new carers
H: Making the support available, clearer and more accessible
W: Because identifying as a carer can be incredibly tough 

"NAME OF PROJECT" is a series of visually driven, informative guides for new carers, making the support available, clearer and more accessible. Because identifying as a carer and understanding the demands of the role can be incredibly tough.

Friday 3 November 2017

You've Got Real Mail

To show that I am a multimedia based print artist, I chose to screen print one of the pattern designs and digital print another. Along with the prints there was a handwritten note on the back of Instagram 'like notification' shape. This adds context to the message as well as adding creativity to the package. 

This mini project has encouraged me to get my work out there and to continue making connections with those that I admire. This will be an ongoing project that I will be able to work on throughout the year. It has also encouraged me to take my digital designs to print which allows me to expand my digital and traditional printing skills.